The Story behind Twelfth House

The Story behind Twelfth House ⟡

Our Story

Twelfth House was merely an idea for founders Jasmine and Ana that came from a desire to have a community space that feels like a home away from home. With so many talented individuals in this world, they wanted to create a space for people to display their talents, connect, or simply just enjoy the atmosphere and a good cup of tea.

The name Twelfth House was chosen because of the twelve houses in astrology, the twelfth represents the subconscious realm. Ruled by Pisces, this is the realm where all things are possible- our dreams, aspirations, fantasies, and secrets.

Twelfth House was curated to bring the ethereal realm to this world. This is the place you want to spend your evenings. This is the third space so many people are craving- away from home and work. Leave your worries at the door and step into the magic of Twelfth House.